Classroom Instruction + Online Efficiency
Just like every other course we offer, ProTrainings Instructor courses take place online with video-based training.
Instructor training and evaluation happens live in real-time directly with an instructor trainer.
After passing the online course, you will meet virtually over webcam with an instructor for your hands-on skill evaluation to finalize your certification
and become an approved CPR instructor.
As an instructor, you can decide which options to offer your students. Utilize our blended program and allow
your students to learn the material online and then visit you in the classroom for the skill evaluation. Or teach your students
in the classroom with our training videos as a supplement to your own instruction.
Whichever method your students choose, they will receive the same nationally accepted certificate
from ProTrainings. All our classroom and blended courses follow the latest American Heart Association and ECC/ILCOR guidelines
for CPR.
And since your students' records are stored electronically, we help you stay in touch when it's time to renew. As a
registered instructor, any student you enter into the system is forever attached to your account. This means you
will earn commission for every course purchased, whether online or blended.
Instructor vs. Skill Evaluator
As a full CPR instructor, you are certified to teach CPR in the classroom. For existing instructors,
bridging your competing instructor card over is a breeze, and the ProTrainings curriculum will allow you more flexibility
with low per-card rates. For new instructors, the online instructor course will get you up and running in no time!
Or embrace blended education by becoming a registered skill evaluator and
allowing your students to train online from home and then come to you for the skill evaluation. Blended training is
a great way to optimize your time and scale your business, allowing you to train far more people than you can
in a traditional classroom.
Become a CPR Instructor or Skill Evaluator.
View Instructor Courses